it's not like I like you like you
but I got so used to you being around
talking about nonsense
into the no sense hours of the morning
(your name flashing into my locked screen
a smile flashing into my locked face)
it's not like I like you like you
but life with you around looks
a tiny bit brighter
and I find the most interesting random things
that you don't seem to mind hearing about
and I can see your smile in your typos
it's not like I like you like you
but you're always so random
when you talk to me
quick to put me out of my feet,
make me look and think about things
I would rather let buried somewhere inside me
with a big heavy tombstone on top.
it's not like I like you like you
and that's why
I'm not sure
what kind of emotional hole
is all this cinnamon cake supposed to fill.
LoftheV, 15.4.14, London